Thursday, March 15, 2007

Kitty Kitty Wuwoo

Here's a random illustration. Yes, my work is influenced by The Provensens and the other children's books from the '50/'60's.


  1. ooooooooh the wee kitty cats oh yes. Especially the frong two and the skid mark beneath. yipes

  2. Wow! These are amazing, Heath!

  3. I think you definitely got talent. I've always wanted to write a politically incorrect children's book that would obviously fail to reach their audience but would appeal to college-age ironists. The title of the book would be Badass Badger Builds the Bomb. What do you think of this idea? Think I'd ever find an illustrator?

    In any sense, I thought I'd also point you in the direction of these Soviet children's books. The cover illustrations are not as fun as yours, but they are definitely more "evil".

  4. Nice illo dude. You can't get too much more appealing that three old school sea fairing cats downhilling on the slopes of some far off mountain with nothing between them and the doom of a cold winters frostbite accept the bathroom tub. These guys were extreme long before their time! Rock on with your bad selves kitties... ROCK ON!

  5. Nice one. Love the color pallete Heath!

  6. love these characters, great bright eyes!!

  7. Heath,
    Your stuff is great! Really love the 3 kats sledding. J.P.Miller, Mary Blair, Battaglia are some of the good ones. Another good designer is an UPA animator Cliff Roberts. If you google him, you'll find he did illos for Langston Hughes First Book of Jazz and another kid's book about a kat titled THOMAS. Check'em out.

  8. Looks like quite an adventure! Love it.
